
心脏病发作很可怕. If you’ve had one, or are close to someone who has, you’re not alone. Many people survive a 心脏病 和 go on to enjoy productive lives.

在你努力恢复的过程中, 下面的常见问题可以帮助你更好地了解发生了什么, 以及你的心如何愈合. 知识就是力量. So use this information to live healthier 和 longer.

See how coronary artery damage leads to a 心脏病.

Heart attack questions 和 answers



Your heart muscle needs oxygen to survive. 当将氧气输送到心肌的血流严重减少或完全切断时,就会发生心脏病发作.

View an animation of blood flow between the heart 和 lungs.

当为心肌提供血液的冠状动脉因脂肪堆积而变窄时,就会发生这种情况, cholesterol 和 other substances that together are called plaque. This slow process is known as 动脉粥样硬化.

当心脏动脉内的斑块破裂时,斑块周围会形成血凝块. 这种血凝块会阻碍血液通过动脉流向心肌.

缺血 是身体某一部位的血液流动(从而氧气)受限或减少的一种状况. Cardiac ischemia is decreased blood flow 和 oxygen to the heart muscle. When damage or death to part of the heart muscle occurs due to ischemia, 这叫做心脏病发作, 或心肌梗塞(MI).

About every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a 心脏病.


The process of 动脉粥样硬化 may have no symptoms in its early stages. But when an artery is narrowed by over 70%, 当组织需要的氧气多于它所能接受的氧气时,就会发生肌肉疼痛或痉挛.

When a coronary artery narrows 和 constricts blood flow, 其他附近服务于心脏的血管有时会扩张以进行补偿, which may explain why there may be no warning signs.

这种扩张的附近血管网络称为侧支循环, 它还可以通过向心脏输送所需的血液来保护一些人免受心脏病发作. 侧枝循环也可以在心脏病发作后发展,以帮助心肌恢复.

Is my heart permanently damaged?

当心脏病发作时,失去血液供应的心肌开始受到损伤. 心肌的损伤程度取决于阻塞动脉供应区域的大小以及受伤和治疗之间的沙巴足球体育平台.

Heart muscle damaged by a 心脏病 heals by forming scar tissue. It usually takes several weeks for your heart muscle to heal. 沙巴足球体育平台的长短取决于你受伤的程度和你的愈合速度.

心脏是一个坚硬的器官. 尽管心脏的一部分可能已经严重受伤,但心脏的其他部分仍在继续工作. 但是,由于这种损伤,你的心脏可能会变弱,无法像平时那样泵出那么多血液.

适当的治疗 和 生活方式的改变 after a 心脏病, further damage can be limited or prevented.

了解更多关于 心脏损伤检测.

How long will it take to recover from my 心脏病?

Talk to your health care professional about your recovery time. Heart attacks can have longer or shorter recoveries 和 complications. 这取决于损伤的大小和位置以及心脏病发作的治疗方法.

在受损区域, 疤痕组织可能会形成,并且不会像健康肌肉组织那样收缩或泵送. 结果是, 心肌损伤的程度会影响心脏向全身泵血的能力.

多少泵血功能的丧失取决于疤痕组织的大小和位置. Most 心脏病 survivors have some degree of 冠状动脉疾病 (CAD),必须改变重要的生活方式,并可能服用药物来预防未来的心脏病发作. Taking these steps can help you lead a full, productive life.

了解更多关于 心脏病发作后恢复.

Is all chest pain a 心脏病?

No. 但如果你有胸痛或不适,请立即去看专业医生. One common type of chest pain is called 心绞痛. It’s a recurring discomfort that usually lasts only a few minutes. 当你的心脏肌肉得不到所需的血液供应和氧气时,就会发生心绞痛,这是你心脏病发作风险较高的信号.


Different types of 心绞痛 include:

  • Stable 心绞痛, or 心绞痛 pectoris. 它通常发生在运动或情绪紧张时,当你的心率和血压升高时, 和 your heart muscle needs more oxygen. 了解更多关于 stable 心绞痛.
  • 不稳定性心绞痛. One of several acute coronary syndromes, it occurs while you’re resting or sleeping, or with little physical exertion. 这让人感到意外. 不稳定型心绞痛会导致心脏病发作,应该作为紧急情况来处理. 了解更多关于 unstable 心绞痛.

What are different medical terms for a 心脏病?

Acute coronary syndrome (ACS): 这个总称是指供应心肌的血液突然阻塞的情况. 了解更多关于ACS.

STEMI: A common name for ST-elevation myocardial infarction, it's caused by a complete blockage in a coronary artery.

NSTEMI: 非st段抬高型心肌梗死是指动脉部分阻塞,血流严重减少.

心肌梗死(MI): 当心肌(心肌)的一个区域因血液供应受阻而受损或死亡时,就会发生心肌梗塞. It’s the classic medical term for a 心脏病.

冠状动脉血栓形成: 当向心肌供血的动脉中形成血块时,就会发生血栓. It's also called coronary occlusion.

冠状动脉阻塞: 冠状动脉阻塞冠状动脉阻塞,阻碍血液流向心脏肌肉的某些部分,可引起心脏病发作.

Are there other causes of 心脏病 besides blockage?

Sometimes a coronary artery temporarily contracts or goes into spasm. 当这种情况发生时,动脉变窄,流向部分心肌的血液减少或停止.

痉挛既可发生在外观正常的血管,也可发生在部分被动脉粥样硬化阻塞的血管. A 严重的痉挛 会导致心脏病发作吗.

Another rare cause of 心脏病 is spontaneous coronary artery dissection (许多), which is a spontaneous tearing of the coronary artery wall.

How is a 心脏病 different from cardiac arrest?


A 心脏病 is when blood flow to the heart is blocked. 这是一个循环问题.

心脏骤停(SCA)是指心脏功能失常,突然停止跳动. 心脏骤停是一种由心律失常引起的电问题. A common 和 potentially deadly arrhythmia is 心室纤维性颤动. 当心脏的下腔突然开始混乱跳动,不能泵血时,就会发生这种情况.

心脏病发作会导致 心室纤维性颤动, which in turn can cause sudden cardiac arrest. Death can occur within minutes after the heart stops.


了解更多关于 the differences between 心脏病 和 cardiac arrest


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了解更多关于 疾病和状况 会影响你的心脏.

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The First 90 Days After a 心脏病: Hospitalization & 放电